I'm Eva

Hello, friend!

Photographer, Educator, Author, Stylist, and someone you can count on to always have a snack in her purse. I'm so happy you're here. Pull up a seat + let's get you started!

Explore, dream, and discover your creativity on my 29-acre homestead in the Pacific Northwest. In a digital landscape where so much is experienced on a screen, my retreats bring you back to the magic of lived experience and the present moment. From breathtaking excursions, to fantastical dinners, to hands-on creative projects, every moment is filled to the brim with joy, learning, and connection. I'm here to provide hands-on instruction for whatever creative project or questions you have as we create together. So come, kick off your shoes, and stay awhile!

Your Journey Begins Here.

Creative Retreats

for curious souls


with Eva Kosmas Flores + Bea Lubas



“Not sure if workshop is the right word to describe this event. It is more of a lifetime experience and a unique journey...”

- Joelle Kanaan, Photographer

I found myself sharing these ladies passion, learning from them in the most natural and fulfilling way, exchanging ideas and thoughts with a group of participants from each and every corner of the globe. It is all in the little details that they transmitted to me that made a huge difference in my food styling and photography career. It is all these meals and gatherings we shared together that enriched my soul, in such a short time. 

Whenever I have the time and means, I will surely not hesitate twice about joining these ladies events again and again and again, because I'm pretty sure that the more time I spend around them, the more I will learn and grow.

I've been hosting retreats since 2016 and have honed the balance between enrichment + exploration, so that you not only come away with new skills and knowledge, but also memorable + profound experiences. Both will last a lifetime. I'll meet you on the road, my friend.

Let's go on a journey together.

- Eva

- H. Jackson Brown

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.